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Star Wars The Clone Wars: The Past Seasons

ARC Trooper
Dan Grievous
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Yeah they should involve him in some different stories, I think we get too many episodes where someone is out to kill Padme.

ARC Trooper

ARC Trooper

CISFANBOY wrote:I like some of the cowardly CIS villains like Gunray, I was really surprised when he knocked commander Gree out I just did not see that coming. I loved the Gunray arc because he was done really well and the bad guys actually won for once, we need more episodes like that. I really want to more CIS commanders that are action villains I think that would be pretty cool.
I like Gunray too.I just dont like all this ''I want Sendator Amidala dead'' about him.Its getting annoying.



I like some of the cowardly CIS villains like Gunray, I was really surprised when he knocked commander Gree out I just did not see that coming. I loved the Gunray arc because he was done really well and the bad guys actually won for once, we need more episodes like that. I really want to more CIS commanders that are action villains I think that would be pretty cool.



I agree, even though he was annoying, they did Durd well.

I can see why you'd say that...

I actually like how a lot of CIS villains hide behind droids Not all of them, but I do like a couple who show us their true colors of cowardice right off the bat like that.



I think Lok Durd is probably one of the most useless CIS villains, he was still done well though I liked how he chose to test his weapon on such a defenseless planet it showed us how much of an evil coward he is.

Nuvo Vindi did have a couple of tricks up his sleeve when it came to fighting Jedi which is good, but I just found him a bit irritating.

Whorm Loathsom did have a lot of victories up until his defeat on Christophis, he is actually one of my favorite jailed villains. We don't need to see him again, but some fans would be happy if he returned. I personally prefer CIS commanders that are warriors like Riff Tamson we have had too many cowardly CIS villains that hide behind droids, most CIS commanders should be warriors.



Oh yeah, I forgot about that with Aurra Sing.

Yeah, Lok Durd kinda got on my nerves a little bit, I would've been happy seeing him defoliated.Star Wars The Clone Wars: The Past Seasons - Page 6 495192

I actually liked Vindi, he reminded me of the Joker from Batman. Both smart and crazy, and completely dangerous.

Thanks, I'll be sure to remember that next time.Star Wars The Clone Wars: The Past Seasons - Page 6 12480

His character was interesting, but as far as storytelling goes, it's best if he stays in jail. If they wanted to have a prequel episode with him, sure, I'd love to see something like that!Star Wars The Clone Wars: The Past Seasons - Page 6 65586



Aurra Sing was broken out off screen at some point because she appeared on Hostage Crisis but we probably won't see that because they aren't doing prequel episodes anymore. I don't think Aurra will be on season 4 but maybe they will do more with her on season 5.

Lok Durd was an okay villain, I'm actually glad that we don't get villains like that anymore because I prefer separatist commanders like Tamson that can fight Jedi and if they want to show cowardly villains they should just show Gunray and San Hill who are more important.

I don't really care about Nuvo Vindi either, I didn't really like him much but I know there are quite a few fans that want him to return.

We definitely need to see Robonino again we need more comical villains like him and his partner is called Chata Hyoki.

I actually liked Whorm Loathsom I thought he was interesting and quite aggressive but yes he was only a tool and not really very powerful compared to a lot of CIS commanders so I doubt anyone really cared about his capture.



Oh yeah, defnitely, we should still see some of the others, even if uneccessary. Oh, and one more I forgot to mention on the "neccessary" list was Aurra Sing. She's in the EU some after the war, thus we need to show an escape from her as well.

I agree, some villains should've died to begin with-Lok Durd commented right before Anakin captured him that he was about to be defoliated. That would've been AWESOME to see-a villain destroyed by his own weapon.

I don't really care about Dr. Nuvo Vindi, whether he lives, dies, or we ever see him again-his story ended on a good note in the Blue Shadow Virus episodes. Though, I know a lot of fans would like to see him again, and I know if he returns, I actually wouldn't mind.

Robonino is someone I'd love to see break out of jail. As a techno person, it'd be cool to see him use electronics and his hacking skills to escape. His partner (his name escapes me at the moment)could go along with him too.

The only other villain I can think of is Loathsome, and I personally like the fact he got jailed-it proves how ruthless Ventress was in using him as a distraction to kidnap Rotto the Hutt. I'd like to think he stays in jail and never has some CIS person rescue him because he was merely a tool.



Yes those 4 need to be broken out so the movies make sense and there is just no way that Poggle and Tambor would have spent most of the war in jail, the separatist leaders had a lot of victories up until the end of the war. The other villains don't need to be broken out, but it would be nice to see them again and some of them could die at some point like Ziro the Hutt...



Well, the ones they NEED to break out are both the ones you mentioned and the Separatist council members Wat Tambor and Poggle the Lesser. Although I agree, the others would be cool to see again, those are the neccessities, if you know what I mean. Without at least those four getting out, the whole thing will probably be a bust.



Well its very likely that we will see Bossk and Boba escape from prison but we don't know about the other. I would like to see some other jailed villains return like Whorm Loathsom, Lok Durd, Cato Parasitti and Tee Va all of those are interesting characters and should be developed more.



Well, actually we might. Some of the previews of S4 hint at a prison break. If so, a lot of fan favorite villains might be returning.



True they did all do a lot of damage on Hostage Crisis and I loved that episode but since then Aurra Sing has had 2 defeats...
Robonino and Chata Hyoki are 2 of my favorite bounty hunters but I fear we won't see them again now they are in jail which is a shame.



That's technically because we've seen very little of he bounty hunters thus far. The only other bounty hunters we've really seen are Sing and Robonino. I personally like all three of them, both have their strengths and weaknesses, and the trio can do quite a bit of damage IMO.



No Felucia wasn't the point of that episode but it was still nice to a see the CIS get a little victory. I also want to see more powerful bounty hunters on this show, I know we have Cad Bane and he is pretty cool but its like hes the only bounty that can do some real damage, most of the other bounty hunters achieve little.



Well, another thing we have to consider is that Felucia was not really the point of that episode. They could've even skipped it since the only really important part of it that progressed the storyline was Ahsoka's disobedience. That's not to say however, that those few minutes were pretty cool for the S2 opener.



No worries and sorry about that.
I just want to see some separatist victories with a villain gloating because most of the CIS commanders are made to look stupid by getting defeated so it would be nice to see some commanders win. I mean felucia was another separatist victory where no villain was present.



Especially when Sobeck got nervous ticks because the situation was getting out of his control. That was a great idea on the team's part, it truly was.

I really liked Supply lines too, I actually didn't mind the lack of viillain, especially when you take into consideration the fact that Master Di died at the end anyway.

Oh, and can you refrain from the use of bad_ _ _? As a forum meant for all ages, some members here might consider that offensive. Nothing personal, just trying to keep everything in check so things don't get outta hand.



I found Sobeck to be quite a comical villain, it was funny to watch him take things out on the droids. The only problem I had with the prequel episodes was that they never explained which order they were in. Supply lines was my favorite prequel episode because we had a separatist victory and Master Di was pretty cool. The only thing I didn't like was that there was no CIS commander for that battle.

Last edited by CISFANBOY on Fri Nov 04, 2011 6:53 am; edited 1 time in total



True, the thing I liked about Sobeck was the fact he was slighly crazy, though still a genius. Kind of like The Joker, if you will. A prequel could've been used to a good extent if they had decided to do one, it was a shame they didn't.



Although I wish Riff Tamson lived I can see why they killed him off but Sobeck's death was just unnecessary I was not happy about that at all, it was just such a waste of a cool villain. I would love to see a prequel episode with Sobeck, maybe they could show how Even Piell was captured...



In some cases, the villain's death is neccessary. Although I loved Tamson to death, he really did need to die at the end of he Mon Cala arc. We could really only enjoy him in an underwater battle like the Battle of Dac, and having another underwater battle with him as yet again the main villain would've been cheap.

But, in some cases having a villain live is just as neccesary as having them die. As we've seen, Bane has become a fan-favorite. If they had had him killed early on, he wouldn't nearly be the icon he is now. Another villain that would've been great to see live, although he didn't, was Osi Sobeck. We should've seen him either use an ingenius escape tactic that he had always had in mind for worst case scenarios, or at least shown us prequels to the Citadel explaining how he got positioned there.

Dan Grievous wrote:The S1 one beats all other finales, Fett, Bossk and Chewbacca were just cheap tricks to make the finales more filled with nostalgia and in the end they were weak and tried to win favour cause of the guest stars, but S1's finale won cause of the first appearances of the great Cad Bane and his episode stood on its own without the aid of OT stuff!

S1 finale is the best!

I agree season 1 had the best finale because of Cad Bane and it ended on a massive cliff hanger. If only they would make another season finale that introduced us to an epic new villain. I liked Lethal Track Down because of the villains like, Hondo, Bossk, Castas...
The season 3 finale felt kind of weak and Chewbacca's appearance was unnecessary.
The S1 finale was the best because of the cliffhangar. EVERY good finale needs a cliffhangar. The other two left us with a story that wrapped up too well, leaving us no desire to actually see the new season ahead. Am I saying S2 and S# finale's were bad episodes? No. Am I saying they should've been placed elsewhere in the season and given us actual cliffhangar episodes as the finale? Absolutely.Star Wars The Clone Wars: The Past Seasons - Page 6 65586



Dan Grievous wrote:The S1 one beats all other finales, Fett, Bossk and Chewbacca were just cheap tricks to make the finales more filled with nostalgia and in the end they were weak and tried to win favour cause of the guest stars, but S1's finale won cause of the first appearances of the great Cad Bane and his episode stood on its own without the aid of OT stuff!

S1 finale is the best!

I agree season 1 had the best finale because of Cad Bane and it ended on a massive cliff hanger. If only they would make another season finale that introduced us to an epic new villain. I liked Lethal Track Down because of the villains like, Hondo, Bossk, Castas...
The season 3 finale felt kind of weak and Chewbacca's appearance was unnecessary.



I agree the show is really good at creating a lot of interesting villains, I don't like how they never let any of the new villains live though. I think this season might be the weakest on new villains because Maul and Dengar are movie villains and the best villain of the season so far Riff Tamson has been killed. I really want them to make more main villains that are unique like Cad Bane and Hondo Ohnaka.



Yeah, each one had their different ways with good villains. The show hasn't really disappointed us when it comes to making new characters, especially when it comes down to classics heroes like Rex or one of the clones, or a new, cool villains like Bane.

And true, I'd bet that Loo would've gotten some more fan-respect if he hadn't been in such a horrible episode. I don't recall he himself being bad, just the episode in general.

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